Today I had an interesting thing happen. My Internet friend, Julie sent me a card and enclosed two of her killer pot scrubbers.
Let me digress a moment and tell you about my Internet friend from Ohio, Julie. We "met" several years ago over a knitting postboard. She had posted a question about knitting on the postboard and mentioned that she was 43, a housewife and mother and had crocheted avidly for many years and was just taking up knitting. "Hey," I thought to myself, "I'm43 (or was at the time), a housewife and mother and have been an avid crocheter almost my whole life and am now taking up knitting!" So I happily emailed her and told her and we have been writing back and forth ever since! She thought up the perfect moniker: we sign off our letters "yipp," which means, "your internet pen pal." So, she is my yipp and I have come to love her dearly. We have never met in person and have only spoken on the phone a few times. Anyway, she has a wealth of interesting recipes and patterns and is always up to something creative and fun. One of the first patterns she generously shared with me was her excellent potscrubber pattern. People clamor for them. They are positively addicting. Once you try them, you get hooked. They are the perfect combination of scratchy and soft without being harshly abrasive.
Here is a picture of what they look like. They are made out of strips of nylon netting. Aren't they cute? They fit perfectly in the palm of your hand. They get all lathery when they're wet, but really scrub the dishes nicely without scratching.
So back to my story, Julie my yipp sent me these in the mail today. (Thanks Julie! That was so thoughtful of you!)
Then, the phone rang. It was my buddy, Laura. She used to manage the yarn shop that I worked at. She told me that a friend had gifted her with a really cool pot scrubber that she just knew I'd love. Laura was one of the people I shared the pot scrubbers with after Julie shared the pattern with me and she fell in love with them. She described the pot scrubber someone gave her and I became intrigued. She said they were double crocheted flat discs, netting on one side and cotton on the other, joined with cotton. I started searching the Internet and found this pattern. Rather than join on a pre-made scouring pad, I just made one up out of netting strips and came up with
I thought it was pretty cute.
Anyway, isn't that a funny coincidence? If it's Tuesday, it must be potscrubber day. Now I just need to "take it out for a whirl" and see how it performs
Yikes, I just reminded myself that it is Tuesday. And I do not have a UFOOTD ready. It will have to wait until Thursday. You see, I have a sink full of dishes and a floor to scrub. And it is 11:00. Bye for now.
Nice scrubber! It looks like a flower, yet so practical! Good job. Maybe you should send two to your YIPP!
YIPP here! Lauram I just missed your actual birthday by ONE day? Wow, that was lucky! I really couldn't remember what day in January your birthday was, but I just sent off those scrubbers in the mail hoping I might be close. I'm glad you liked receiving them. AND, the potscrubber that you made is VERY cute and adorable. Let me know how you like it. Actually, I have tried making a similar nylon net scrubber on one side with a cotton scrubber on the other side, but I didn't care for it. It looked good, but it didn't work as well. Good luck with yours! And I'm so glad you had a very wonderful birthday with the kids and all of your friends--they sure must love and care for you very much! Well, at least you just turned 48--I'm due to be 49 in just a couple of months--yikes! YIPP, Julie
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