Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I Know You're Out There

Did you know that January 8 - 12 is National De-lurkers Week? Neither did I. That is why I am so late in passing this on to you.
I thought this was great.

Let me say something really quick about lurking. I am a lurker. I have been a lurker for as long as I have been reading blogs. I lurk on a number of blogs. I never feel like I have anything important to say. Plus, I am lazy and just want to read and not have to think about trying to come up with something nice/witty/coherent to say. But I would ask, nay, beg of you to reconsider if you are a lurker on my blog. First of all, let's do away with the negative labels. From here on, when you come here, you are not a lurker, you are a welcome guest.

Okay, and now I will let you in on my little secret. A few days ago I signed up for statcounter and can I tell you guys, I am FLOORED by the number of people who stop in here? Before you get all paranoid, let me just clarify that the statcounter does not tell me WHO you are, but it does tell me geographically WHERE you came in from. I thought it was just my sister, my niece and a couple of friends. Yesterday there were 66 people. 66! Okay, for all you blackbelts out there, I'm sure you are saying to yourself "66! Pshaw! I get 66 visitors in a minute! I get 66 visitors in a second!" Well, let me tell you, I had no idea. None. Zilch. Zippo. Why? Because no one said anything, that's why! Won't you please, please, please say something to me? It doesn't even have to be coherent. Or witty. Nice would be nice though.

Here's a shout out to my knitting sista Joanna, first time commenter and long time friend.


At 2:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

aarrggg!!! you caught me!! darnit...yes...i'm a lurker...a totally laaaazzzzyyyy non-typing lurker. hello there!! feel free to stop by and say hello if you wish...

At 2:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I try my best but bloglines is a comment-murderer!
You can do the same over at firebrunette anytime.
You can never get enough comments!

At 5:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, I am not a knitter. But I wish I wash. Was. Were. I hail from Santa Barbara where knitting is THE secret national past-time. Your blog is awesome and inspiring. Keep on keeping on.
~grabablog aka jaysta the other half of sista

At 7:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doncha know, the more you post comments on other people's blogs, the more comments you get? I think it's a karma thing...

At 8:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll try to leave a comment more often but you also got to comment on my blog too :)


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